All tracks and lyrics written and performed
by The Great Divide.
Recorded and mixed by Amaury Sauvé,
assisted by Florian Carau,
at la Senelle Studio, Laval, France.
Mastered by Jason Maas
at Getaway Recording Studio, Boston, U.S.A.
Released 30 May 2014 on Useless Pride Records, Toulouse, France.
About Charles Nungesser and this extended play
There’re always stories of men being particularly
brave at one defining moment, much rarer
are legends of men living their whole life as one
continuous act of courage and selfless determination.
Charles Nungesser was one of them. Born in 1892,
this French aviator, WWI hero, gentleman
and all around adventurer was about to make
history when he tried to cross over the Atlantic
aboard “L’Oiseau Blanc” (The White Bird) in 1927.
Although him and copilot François Coli departed
ten days before Charles Lindbergh’s now-famous
success, no one ever found trace of Nungesser’s
plane or its passengers.
More than just a tribute, these seven tracks
are a dedication to those who refuse to accept
their fate as mere human beings, constantly
pushing the limits of their existance and never
giving up on their dreams.